21 September 2013

Gray Skies and Candy Buying

As of 6 p.m. this evening, I had not left the academy since Monday. I was feeling in need of a change of scenery and an after-dinner snack, so I decided to go grocery shopping. 

I went with a girl from Brazil, a girl from Turkey, and three girls from Japan. This is one of my favorite things about being here; we have people from a dozen different countries living together under the same roof (literally).  There are international trainees from the United States, Japan, Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, France, and Germany, and there is a girl who now lives in the United States who was born somewhere in Central America. 

Our little group made a short trek to a grocery store that I had not visited before. I know where three others are, but this is by far the closest. Though their product selection is more limited, the short walk will make this my grocery store of choice once it starts snowing.

The sky was gray today, very different from and much less summery than the blue skies that we had at the beginning of the month. Rather than gloomy, though, I thought it looked calm and peaceful. It made the view over the river especially beautiful.

Today I made an interesting purchase from the candy section- a chocolate bar with air bubbles in it. I bought it purely out of curiosity, having never tasted something like this. It is quite good, almost as if the chocolate bar is somehow fluffy. 

My Swedish roommate loves eating chocolate with air bubbles in it, and was shocked when I told her that I'd never had it before. 

This is definitely something that I'll be buying more of, both to eat while I'm here and to bring home for everyone in Denver to (hopefully) enjoy.

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