07 October 2013

A Special Delivery

Today I got a bag delivered to the academy by Anastasia, one of the teachers who teaches at the ballet school that I studied at in Denver. She came to visit Saint Petersburg for a bit and had offered to bring me some things from Denver in case I had forgotten anything or wanted something that I can't get here. My mom assembled a bag of things for me that I have been eagerly awaiting for a few weeks. I was very happy to get my things, and it was also really nice to see a familiar face from home. 

Here is what I got in my delivery.

The most important thing was my blue sweatshirt. I love it because it is big and warm. I hadn't realized that it was one of the things that we had to leave out of my suitcase when we were packing for me to come here until it started getting chilly and I wanted to wear it and discovered that I didn't have it. My other requests where a reusable grocery bag, since I'm tired of using and paying for plastic grocery bags when I go shopping, and a DVD of Classical Ballet of Colorado's Nutcracker from last December. I also had my mom send me some peanut butter and almond butter, since I have been unable to find either in the grocery stores here, and two bars of my favorite brand of chocolate, which I can't get here because they are made in Colorado and not widely distributed. She added in some ballet essentials (elastic, hairnets, and a sewing kit) that never got packed. I hadn't realized that they were missing, but I'm glad that I didn't need them so desperately that I did realize they weren't here with me.

This made my day very good. Thank you, Anastasia! 

I already broke into my chocolate stash and sort of ate half of it. I really meant to try to make that chocolate bar last longer, since I won't be seeing another one for a long time, but it was just too good for that to happen. :)

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