Today I am feeling more exhausted than on any other day in the past two weeks. This is different from the tiredness that I had at the beginning of last week, which was due to lack of sleep, too much time spent on an airplane, and a ten-hour time change. Though I slept well last night, I'm exhausted physically and intellectually from my classes today.
We have a three-day class rotation for our afternoon classes. After ballet in the morning, we either have character class, duet (pas de deux) class, or both modern and acting. On the days when we have modern and acting, we are in class for almost five hours with just two breaks, an hour-long one for lunch and a ten-minute break to change studios between our two afternoon classes. That means that by 5:25 p.m., when our last class ends, I am absolutely exhausted. Today was one of our acting-and-modern days.
Though acting and modern classes do involve a lot of dancing, the teachers spend a lot more time talking and explaining concepts to the class than my other teachers do. My brain is constantly on overdrive from trying desperately to keep up with what they are saying. I do not understand much, but if I really apply myself, I can sometimes piece together the general idea that they are talking about by stringing together the little pieces that I do understand. This, more than the dancing we do in these classes, is what leaves me so exhausted when they are over.
Now my brain needs a rest. Some tea, some Facebook, and an early bedtime are in order!
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