05 October 2013

I Really Am Trying to Learn Russian

I am feeling the need to show that I actually have learned some Russian. Though my vocabulary and knowledge of grammar are still much too limited to allow me to write intellectually stimulating compositions, I have taken a few photos and written captions for them in Russian (with translations, of course). Enjoy!

Это Санкт-Петербург. Санкт-Петербург красивая город. 
(This is Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg is a beautiful city).

Вот Невский Проспект. Это большоя улица. 
(This is Nevsky Prospect. It is a big street).

Направо, вот моя школа.
(To the right, there is my school).

Это моя комната. 
(This is my room).

Вот мои книги. Это моя тетрадь, это мой учебник, и это мой словарь. 
(Here are my books. That is my notebook, my textbook, and my dictionary).

Это моя сумка. Вот мои туфли. 
(This is my bag. Here are my shoes).

Это мой завтрак. Вот мой творог, мои фрукты, и мой сырок.
(This is my breakfast. Here is my yogurt-like cheese*, my fruit, and my chocolate-covered cheese bar**). 

* I promise that I'll explain this one later.
** And this one, too!

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